Circadiance Blog

The Circadiance Blog

Improving Health & Quality of Life

Posted by Circadiance on Sep 20, 2022 2:35:09 PM

For fifteen years Circadiance has striven to serve our customers and their patients with products that improve health and quality of life. We have established a unique brand within the medical device industry. Riding the waves of health insurance upheaval, economic recession, provider consolidation, regulatory changes, and a global pandemic—we continue to be a trusted partner for hundreds of organizations and thousands of patients.

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Topics: Insider, Circadiance News

Why do I feel so tired all the time?

Posted by Circadiance on May 18, 2022 9:00:00 AM

In the last three decades, the importance of sleep has been gaining public awareness. It has always been well accepted that if you don’t sleep well, you won’t function as well the next day. But it’s a relatively new phenomenon that there is a minimum amount of sleep you should have each night (different for each person, but seven hours is the standard). Researchers have been saying for years that sleep isn’t just about the next day, but your entire life. As the general population has realized the truth of this, more resources have gone into learning more, broadcasting information, and finding solutions to help people get the rest they need.

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Topics: Sleep Health, SleepWeaver

We want your spare SmartMonitor 2 units!

Posted by Circadiance on Apr 20, 2022 9:00:00 AM

We recommend every monitoring program upgrade to the cloud since we have discontinued the development of Synergy-E. To assist you with your organization’s transition to the cloud and save on fleet management costs, we have created a trade-in program.

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Topics: SmartMonitor, Synergy

Announcing the SmartMonitor 2 Trade-in Program!

Posted by Circadiance on Mar 15, 2022 3:19:21 PM

For years Synergy-E was the partner software for SmartMonitor 2 infant monitor units. This software-hardware pairing has a reputation for reliability and accuracy of data interpretation in the hospital and home settings. Circadiance has recognized the need for a cloud-based software solution with the same dependable traits to help hospitals and home care companies manage patient cases.

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Topics: SmartMonitor, Synergy

Understanding the Upgrade to Synergy Cloud

Posted by Circadiance on Mar 9, 2022 11:04:02 AM

If you're using our old Synergy-E software, it's time to contact us to begin your transition to the cloud.

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Topics: SmartMonitor, Synergy

Resources for Commercial Drivers with Sleep Apnea

Posted by Circadiance on Feb 23, 2022 3:27:19 PM

It's well documented that commercial drivers who fail to adhere to sleep apnea treatment have higher crash rates. Compliance with treatment begins with finding the right information. If you work as a commercial driver, these resources can help you get the rest you need and keep you safe on the road.

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Topics: Sleep Health, SleepWeaver

Never Miss a Beat with Your Infant Monitoring

Posted by Circadiance on Feb 8, 2022 2:08:07 PM

Detecting and addressing apneic events, bradycardias, or desaturations in the NICU is critical for patient outcomes. Babies born prematurely often require cardiorespiratory monitoring so that hospital staff can properly assess their patients' condition. The data gathered from monitoring provides valuable information for their care while in the NICU and after going home with their family.

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Topics: SmartMonitor, Synergy

The CPAP Mask for Pediatric Patients

Posted by Circadiance on Jan 26, 2022 8:45:00 AM

Finding a CPAP mask that pediatric patients will tolerate can be quite difficult. Children are particularly sensitive to uncomfortable, ill-fitting, and difficult masks which makes therapy compliance a challenge for parents and sleep professionals alike. That's why we set out to create a new mask to help kids get the sleep they need.

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Topics: SleepWeaver

Moving An Elderly Parent Into Assisted Living? 3 Ways To Ensure Their Sleep Hygiene

Posted by Aubrey Carlson on Jan 18, 2022 9:03:26 AM

People experience various changes as they age, and among them is a change in the quality and duration of sleep. This is due to a number of factors — such as a slowing in melatonin production, a hormone that promotes sleep, and an aging “master clock,” which influences when a person feels sleepy or alert. Health conditions and side effects from medications can also cause sleep problems. In turn, these sleep problems can also result in high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. This is why it’s important that you find an assisted living facility that ensures your parent maintains good sleep hygiene.

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Topics: Sleep Health

Traveling with PAP Therapy

Posted by Circadiance on Dec 15, 2021 10:57:36 AM

PAP patients have many things to overcome when it comes to traveling with their devices. This blog will help you to see that getting your therapy while on the move isn't as difficult as you might think.

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Topics: Sleep Health, SleepWeaver