Circadiance Blog

The Circadiance Blog

Circadiance launches Synergy Cloud Communication Module to connect existing SmartMonitors to the cloud

Posted by Circadiance on May 29, 2024 4:37:27 PM

We are proud to announce the launch of the Synergy Cloud Communication Module. This device enables SmartMonitor 2 Infant Apnea Monitors already in the field to communicate wirelessly with Synergy Cloud software. The Communication Module is easy to use and works on any Wi-Fi network. This means parents can send their monitored baby's data to clinicians without the need for a Home Care Provider to drive out to their home—saving both families and providers time and money. Data is available to the clinical care team immediately and can be uploaded as often as the care team desires.

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Topics: Insider, Circadiance News, Press Releases, SmartMonitor, Synergy

We want your spare SmartMonitor 2 units!

Posted by Circadiance on Apr 20, 2022 9:00:00 AM

We recommend every monitoring program upgrade to the cloud since we have discontinued the development of Synergy-E. To assist you with your organization’s transition to the cloud and save on fleet management costs, we have created a trade-in program.

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Topics: SmartMonitor, Synergy

Announcing the SmartMonitor 2 Trade-in Program!

Posted by Circadiance on Mar 15, 2022 3:19:21 PM

For years Synergy-E was the partner software for SmartMonitor 2 infant monitor units. This software-hardware pairing has a reputation for reliability and accuracy of data interpretation in the hospital and home settings. Circadiance has recognized the need for a cloud-based software solution with the same dependable traits to help hospitals and home care companies manage patient cases.

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Topics: SmartMonitor, Synergy

Understanding the Upgrade to Synergy Cloud

Posted by Circadiance on Mar 9, 2022 11:04:02 AM

If you're using our old Synergy-E software, it's time to contact us to begin your transition to the cloud.

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Topics: SmartMonitor, Synergy

Never Miss a Beat with Your Infant Monitoring

Posted by Circadiance on Feb 8, 2022 2:08:07 PM

Detecting and addressing apneic events, bradycardias, or desaturations in the NICU is critical for patient outcomes. Babies born prematurely often require cardiorespiratory monitoring so that hospital staff can properly assess their patients' condition. The data gathered from monitoring provides valuable information for their care while in the NICU and after going home with their family.

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Topics: SmartMonitor, Synergy