It's Sleep Technologist Appreciation Week AND Respiratory Care Week! That means it's time to share appreciation for respiratory therapists (RT) and sleep tech healthcare heroes around the world.

Sleep Technologist & Respiratory Care Appreciation Week 2021
Posted by Circadiance on Oct 26, 2021 10:00:00 AM
Topics: Insider, Sleep Health, SleepWeaver, SmartMonitor, NeoPAP
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or high flow nasal cannula (HFNC)? An ongoing debate, but does it have to be one or the other? Many times CPAP is the first treatment to respiratory distress in the neonate, while HFNC is used frequently as a weaning tool. Providers make this decision based on gestational age, diagnosis, and treatment history. Would HFNC be used more if it was easier to transition the patient with no loss of support? What if providers had a better idea of the pressure that was actually being generated by that flow?
Topics: NeoPAP
Ventilating premature babies is a science that researchers are constantly re-evaluating. Best practices are updated often while we try to find the best way to help this population breathe more easily. The most commonly used strategy right now is early CPAP therapy, but at what cost?
Topics: NeoPAP
Most hospitals with labor and delivery capabilities are equipped to stabilize critical newborns, but not all hospitals can provide continuous care to this special population. In a hospital that is incapable of caring for these sick babies, they must rely on outside facilities to come and transport the infant to a hospital with a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
Topics: NeoPAP
Having a premature baby can lead parents down a path with a few bumps in the road. Many things are different and going home with a newborn is scary for most parents. Every case is unique which means a variety of parental experiences leading up to, and after, discharge. So what can parents expect when they take their baby home from the NICU?
Imagine you’re pregnant, nearing your due date, and filled with a combination of both excitement and nervousness, but then things take an unexpected turn and your baby arrives early. They are in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and you have to touch your baby through the door of an incubator...
In honor of Neonatal Intensive Care Awareness Month, we're celebrating NICU patients, their families, and the NICU professionals who inspire us every day to do the work that we do. We're proud to support NICUs all over the world with products that improve care and, ultimately, the lives of the most vulnerable population.
Topics: Insider, SmartMonitor, NeoPAP
CPAP vs HFNC, an ongoing debate, but does it have to be one or the other? Many times CPAP is the first treatment to respiratory distress in the neonate, where HFNC is used frequently as a weaning tool. Providers make this decision based off of gestational age, diagnosis, and treatment history. Would HFNC be used more if it was easier to transition the patient with no loss of support? What if providers had a better idea of the pressure that was actually being generated by that flow? If you answered yes to either of these questions NeoPAP might be a solution for your NICU.
Topics: NeoPAP
It’s that time of year again, Baby Sleep Day! Of course, we don’t mean your baby should sleep all-day on March 1st, but this day is dedicated to focusing on the importance of a good night’s sleep for every baby and young child, as well as their family. Healthy sleep habits are important for these developing minds and help provide a brighter future for their sleep.
Topics: Sleep Health, SleepWeaver, SmartMonitor, NeoPAP
Most hospitals with labor and delivery capabilities are equipped to stabilize critical newborns, but not all hospitals can provide continuous care to this special population. In a hospital that is incapable of caring for these sick babies, they must rely on outside facilities to come and transport the infant to a hospital with a neonatal intensive care unit.
Topics: NeoPAP