Circadiance Blog

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Circadiance launches Synergy Cloud Communication Module to connect existing SmartMonitors to the cloud

Posted by Circadiance on May 29, 2024 4:37:27 PM

We are proud to announce the launch of the Synergy Cloud Communication Module. This device enables SmartMonitor 2 Infant Apnea Monitors already in the field to communicate wirelessly with Synergy Cloud software. The Communication Module is easy to use and works on any Wi-Fi network. This means parents can send their monitored baby's data to clinicians without the need for a Home Care Provider to drive out to their home—saving both families and providers time and money. Data is available to the clinical care team immediately and can be uploaded as often as the care team desires.

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Topics: Insider, Circadiance News, Press Releases, SmartMonitor, Synergy

In Honor of Sleep Awareness Week...

Posted by Circadiance on Mar 14, 2024 11:02:48 AM

Sleep is possibly the most important thing we humans can do for our physical, mental, and emotional health—as adequate sleep is essential to every process in our bodies. Sleep is so essential that researchers believe it is even more important than diet and exercise.

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Topics: Insider, Sleep Health, SleepWeaver

Circadiance Partners with MaskFit AR

Posted by Circadiance on Mar 4, 2024 2:48:57 PM

Circadiance’s SleepWeaver masks are now on the MaskFit AR formulary and Fit Checker, a mask recommendation tool driven by artificial intelligence to help patients find the perfect fit and discover alternative masks for their facial features.

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Topics: Circadiance News, SleepWeaver, Press Releases

Understanding Sleep Apnea: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Posted by Circadiance on Feb 13, 2024 1:59:20 PM

Sleep apnea is a common disorder characterized by interruptions in breathing while sleeping, which can lead to serious health complications if left untreated. This guide explores the warning signs, diagnosis, and treatment options for sleep apnea to help individuals manage this condition effectively.

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Topics: Insider, Sleep Health, SleepWeaver

Women and the Importance of Sleep

Posted by Circadiance on May 31, 2023 12:09:41 PM

May is the month of new beginnings, spring has burst forth in full bloom of flowers and fresh air and long energizing days full of sunlight! May is also designated as a month devoted to Women’s Health, Care and Well-Being. 

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Topics: Sleep Health, SleepWeaver

The Feather Weight CPAP Hose Extension

Posted by Circadiance on Mar 28, 2023 1:36:00 PM

The SleepWeaver® Feather Weight Tube® is a great addition to your CPAP therapy because it creates a unique flex zone between the SleepWeaver mask and the CPAP hose. Learn all about this marvelous product and find a great price below!

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Topics: SleepWeaver

Emphasize Healthy Sleep to Protect Your Long-Term Health

Posted by Circadiance on Mar 17, 2023 2:59:37 PM

Have you ever gone somewhere that was so intriguing you ended up staying much longer than you originally intended? This is the experience we have each time visiting the Super Sleep MD site.

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Topics: Sleep Health


Posted by Circadiance on Mar 17, 2023 9:43:09 AM

Circadiance recently had the good fortune of interviewing Dr. Joseph Krainin, a double board-certified Sleep Medicine and Neurology physician. In 2013, Dr. Krainin was elected a fellow of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, which is reserved for those sleep doctors who have made significant contributions to the field in education, research, and service.

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Topics: Sleep Health

Sleep is Essential

Posted by Circadiance on Mar 14, 2023 1:46:00 PM

Did you know that an estimated 70 million Americans suffer from some sort of sleep problem? Understanding how lack of sleep affects your health can allow you to make healthier choices and decisions regarding your daily habits and your decisions on how you live. Sleep is essential to every part of life. If you aren’t getting the rest you need, don’t wait to find out why!

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Topics: Sleep Health

New Year, New Sleep Resolutions

Posted by Circadiance on Jan 30, 2023 9:00:00 AM

So many of us make New Year’s resolutions in January. We are intent on getting healthier, happier, and better organized, and choose many other self-improvement goals, so we build our own “plan of action”.

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Topics: Sleep Health